Elephant & Wildlife Tours in Mondulkiri, Cambodia
Elephant and Wildlife tours at the Mondulkiri Gibbon and Wildlife Safari give you the opportunity to spend time with our majestic friendly Bunong elephants and to enjoy the rich flora and fauna jungle surroundings. The area boasts wonderful rivers, breathtaking waterfalls with swimming holes, is rich in bird life and has many types of wild animal.
On one of our tours you will get to meet, wash, and feed elephants, following them as they walk through the forest eating and relaxing in their natural habitat. We do not allow tourists to ride elephants. On the Jungle trekking tour you will have the opportunity to view many other animals and get to stay overnight at the Mondulkir Gibbon and Wildlife Safari Camp.
This ethical project was formed in the aim of to save all endanger Wild animals in the area. Your day and overnight trekking tour with local rangers will scare loggers and hunters and help stop illegal logging and hunting in their community forest. The project also help promote the welfare of Bunong elephants in their community. To save them we signed a contract with the owners to keep the elephants at the sanctuary. This is to ensure that elephants will never return to the village to have to work again. Now four of those six elephants are rescued at our sanctuary and spend all their time in our project’s forest and will not be exploited commercially or put under stress with elephant rides, heavy farm work or logging.
Our elephant tours are lead by an English speaking guide with over ten years experience in guiding tours within the Mondulkiri forests. Torn, a Cambodian founder of the Mondulkiri Gibbon and Wildlife Safari has extensive knowledge about the elephants. He worked and volunteered for the Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment (E.L.I.E) together with Elephant Valley Project (E.V.P) in Mondulkiri province, Cambodia from 2006-2010. Feel free to ask Torn all about these initiatives on your visit day at the Mondulkiri Gibbon and Wildlife Safari in Cambodia.